In the street below my office, I heard a big crash followed by a wave of human commotion. When I looked down on the street, I could see that a car had hit a boda boda driver. This is hardly surprising, given the facts that cars have the supreme right of way over everything that is in the road and they drive extremely fast as well. A large crowd of boda boda drivers and other concerned onlookers gathered very quickly around the errant driver’s car. Many of the men were outraged and were simultaneously shouting accusations at the driver. The driver looked very nervous, and at one point started to drive away, but several of the men stood in front of the car, blocking his escape path. He finally got up the nerve to get out of the car, and when he emerged, there was some halfhearted pushing, shoving, and a lot of finger pointing by the boda boda supporters. Shortly, a helmeted, uniformed policeman drove slowly up on his small motorcycle. The men all took a quick break to admire the policeman’s piki piki, which obviously endowed him with a lot of status. I could see the policeman was a very young man as he slowly got off his piki piki and walked somewhat reluctantly toward the rowdy crowd. His demeanor didn’t convey a sense that he was about to take charge of the situation. Once he got to the crowd he paused to listen while several people shouted explanations at him all at the same time. The driver of the car didn’t have any obvious supporters present, but the policeman did question him apparently in an attempt to get his side of the story. Once that was accomplished, the policeman joined the crowd, which aimlessly milled around, all the while shouting out their opinion of what had transpired. Finally the policeman broke away from the crowd and went to choose an appropriate stone which he used some how mark the position of the car on the pavement. From my vantage point, I could not see that any marks were made at all by the stone. Then the guy strolled over and looked at the position of the boda boda lying on the ground. People were still shouting feverishly and I could not really tell at this point who the boda boda victim was. Finally, the policeman waved the driver of the car away, mounted his motorcylcle and left what apparently was a situation successfully resolved. I thought what a perfect solution since no one was really hurt and no damage was sustained. Just let everybody shout for a while and then call it good.